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Usage[edit source]

{{color box|color|text|text color}}

  • Colors are most commonly specified as either a color keyword or as the hexadecimal triplet representing an RGB combination. See web colors for details.
  • If specified, the text is centered within the box.
Examples Wiki Markup

{{color box|Green}}
 Default color for this text 

{{color box|Yellow|Default color for this text}}
 White text in a blue box 

{{color box|Blue|White text in a blue box|White}}
 Using X11 color names 

{{color box|SteelBlue|'''Using X11 color names'''|Cornsilk}}
 Using RGB hex triplets 

{{color box|#012345|''Using RGB hex triplet''|#FEDCBA}}

Attribution[edit source]

Adapted from Template:Colorbox on Hunterpedia on FANDOM.